Wednesday 27 November 2013

New Fashion

Everyone Wants To Know What The Latest Fashion Is Why Don't You Take A Look At Some Movie stars Who Wanted To Show My Viewers What The New Msp Fashion Is...

I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here Look , By Snazzy882

Pirate , By XXCool kittyXX

Bee-Bunny, By Jazzy143 

Thanks For Reading !!! Get Fashionable and Maybe You Will Be On My Next Post ;)

Tuesday 26 November 2013

The New Msp

I Thought I Could Do Something To Show You The New Msp!
So I Took Some Snip Shots . Look For Yourself....
\They Added New Things

It's Easy To Gain Coins :)

They Bring Back Rares Once In A While...

Sunday 29 September 2013

New Msp!

Has anyone noticed Msp Has been Updated , I think it is a bit strange and It's harder making Movies and Arties ! 

Its Weird don't you think? 

And The VIP Symbol has changed look....

It Looks Cooler :P than the old one .

Thats all for now , Post Ya Later :P Get it?
Jazzy143 xxx

Monday 23 September 2013

Hey Guys I am over joyed !! I have made my first offical Msp music video! Check it out! :)

It's a bit slow on some bits btw :| . But hopefully it is good ! Tell me what you think .

Thanks Jazz :)

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Hi Guys

I've made something about msp so please can you watch it!! Comment or send me a message if you want to be in my next one.
This is it :) 

                  Thank you Love you guys :) , See you guys soon!!

Sunday 1 September 2013

I need your Help Guys!!

I'm making a New series , Its Called The Lucky Ones , But the problem is........ I have no Cast!! 

I need people to be these Cast:
The Lucky ones:

Lilly (Sweet and Kind) :Me Jazzy143
Molly (The coolest Girl) :

Jack (The richest Man ):

The Unlucky Ones:

Keke (Works at the Bar):

William (The Unlucky one):

Sophie  (A little girl) :

Lots of Love

P.S If you want to be one of these people message me on Msp or comment your MSP name and who you want to be !! You need loads of actions and clothes.

Monday 26 August 2013

Bored on Msp.

When I'm bored on MSP I normally just talk to my friends! But If no-ones online then I just Play Games. If You don't know how to get onto Games just look at these photos
Go to Games

 Then Just click on a game you want to go on But the arcade is not a game its full of Games!! About 1000 I would say.

Wednesday 21 August 2013

How Much Is VIP?

Well it depends How many Mouths you want it!!

This is Where you Can Buy VIP The more Mouths the More expensive it is.


Saturday 17 August 2013

Snazzy882 This is Payback

Snazzy882 decided to do a funny photo of me so I'm doing one of her back!!!

                                                            Lol The New Snazzy882 Looks Amazing
                                                               Outstanding You should try this look
                                                                    Snazzy Lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It  really
                                                                    suits you !

More Information

If You want more info then Just comment what you want to ask.............................................
Or you could check Out my friends blog but please don't stop reading what I say on my blog cause it will make me sad if I lose people checking out my website !! so yeah it looks like this, My friend blog does.

She does the same topic as me MSP!! But we do different things about MSP

Whats It Like bieng VIP?

Well It's fun and especially existing when you go shopping cause its all different you get better clothes more money and even diamonds :) . So Yeah but the thing I get annoyed with is when people ask me this ..........................................

Everyone asks but its not like I'm a money tree and a diamond tree !!!!
But People are very nice to me and they treat me like I'm a friend even though some of them don't know me in real ........ Anyway Once someone gave me a gift cause I watched their Movie !! I know so Nice!!!!!!!! It's Great On Msp as A VIP as well As a Non VIP. So Have Fun Guys talk to you soon?? If you have Joined MSP don't be shy add me !! I don't hurt or Bite I promise .

Best Place to go

There is 8 places you can go but 3 of them you need something each thing is different the level 5= mall and the pet park and the VIP chat room. But the other 5 you don't need to be anything you can just go in!
Skate Park
High School
The best place to go I think is ........................   The Skate Park for me!

Must Read!!!

There are people who try to hack on Msp here are some of the people who hack ! There are even actual movie stars who hack!!!!
This is The Dolly (Shes a hacker!) 

This is annoymous she has 100000000 accounts

      Your probley wondering what should you do now , Not go on Msp , No No still go on it but just report who ever says or does anything mean or threatening to you. On the orange triangle with a exclamation mark in it that's the report button.

How do you earn Fame???

                                How do you earn Fame ?

           Well to Earn fame all you have to do is watch and learn.........       

Fame booster

If other people watch your movies or they watch a movie  that you star in.

Play Games

Also if people give you autos and you give other people fame if you give them a auto!!

Last of all if you love someones arty you give them fame and if they love your arty you get fame.

Friday 16 August 2013


You might want to socialize with other Movie stars so why not join a club. All you do is go to the movie town and click on clubs and find a club you like. Here's a picture of a club I've joined and the picture after it is my club (You have to be VIP to have your own club).   
This is someone else club Called Boyfriend/girlfriend Searcher <3

This is my Club ( I know its random , That's why it's called Random Club)

Celebrities of Msp!

There are some people on the highest people on moviestarplanet and they are known as Celebrities!! They are the ones who make the best movies,Greatest looks and biggest number of fans and money. 

Smiley Lucy - She's cool and kind!!

Ishacool - She makes the best movies and she has the best Looks!

Chuck - Top Boy
Fran is Epic - Epic and Clever.
Roxy-1  - Friendly and is always Smiling

Candired - Cool and Sassy 

There are more  people that are their level but they aren't well known like theses people , well not yet maybe later in the year!

How do you get a boyfriend or Girlfriend?

Well all you need to do is find someone you fansy/ Like and click on them , 

and on the person icon with the heart next to them and click yes and all you have to do is wait....................
and wait until they accept but sometimes they don't cause they might not like you back and they might send you a friend request. Then  just start as friends and get to know them then they might accept your bf/gf request.

How do You get Money?

Your probley wondering how ..... to get money well I can help you out on this one! Well all you have to do is make a movie. And How do you do that you ask well first of all you have to go to Movie-town and then click on movies then click on

                                                              This thing 

and after that it will come up with you in a high school background and click on the group thing and add your friends in it ! and away you go you will start to get it as you go along and soon you will be making movies like your a pro.

This is Me MSP account

Add me please on Msp.


There are loads of things on MSP that are Rare:
Princess toes,

Dress (I don't know what it's called)

Leg warmers!

There are more things that are Rare than this I just can't think of more !